Enhanced statistics is here

once.to is back in the new season, with lots of under-the-hood improvements and new exciting plans!

Stats by slug

One of the most wanted features is a new dimension in the link statistics called Domain/slug.

In this mode you get a pie chart that groups all your links by its slug (and domain, if any).

Link click statistics by domain and slug.
Link click statistics by domain and slug.

This view is mostly useful in the Dashboard, where you can easily compare performance of your short links over the given period: 1 day, a week, and so on.

What’s even better, you can go directly to any link’s details by clicking on the item in the chart legend!

Better chart legend

Not only the slugs are now clickable in the legend, but referrers, too:

Clickable referrer items in the legend.
Clickable referrer items in the legend.

So you can now easily navigate to the corresponding page (opens in a new tab by default).

What’s important to mention though is that once.to doesn’t register any query parameters of the referrer URL to protect your visitors’ privacy.

Country and Language codes unveiled

Ever wondered what language the is code is for?

Legend items for the Countries and Languages dimensions now display a tooltip deciphering the corresponding ISO code, when you hover it with the mouse:

Language code tooltip.
Language code tooltip.

Responsive charts

And last but not least, the new legend improves the overall experience with pie charts on a small screen — previously it was, well, suboptimal.

Link statistics pie chart on a mobile screen.
Link statistics pie chart on a mobile screen.

More to come

This is just a small, completed portion of UX and functionality improvements from our roadmap. We’d love to know what you think of them and what you still miss! Feel free to contact us via our social accounts (see the footer of this page) or a support request!

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