Side that bar: navigation unified

As our world’s best link shortener picks up in popularity, we’re observing an ever-increasing share of users accessing our web application using mobile devices: tablets and, mostly, mobile phones.

That’s why we invest heavily into improving overall experience for this vast user group — and today we announce a number of major enhancements to the application navigation.

Meet the new sidebar and responsive tables!

Image by Mocho/Pixabay, with alterations.
Image by Mocho/Pixabay, with alterations.

The sidebar

Previously, the navigation in was a bit patchy: you’d get a sidebar in the Control Center but not, for example, on the Profile page.

This is now very consistent: the sidebar menu is available in all authorised areas, and is hidden otherwise. What’s even better, this sidebar menu properly adjusts itself, collapsing on a narrow screen, so that it doesn’t occupy the valuable screen estate while remaining fully usable.

Responsive sidebar menu in
Responsive sidebar menu in

Responsive tables

Tables are traditionally painful to properly deal with on a mobile: you usually have a number of trade-offs to consider, involving scrolling and/or zooming in. The result is often ugly, too.

We managed, however, to find a good balance between simplicity, ease of use, and good looks! All rows in’s tables become rectangular bricks on a narrow screen. The table header is then converted into a number of buttons that define table sorting.

A collapsed table on a mobile screen.
A collapsed table on a mobile screen.

Have a look, it’s purely intuitive:

Responsive table in
Responsive table in

We hope these changes will make your experience with our service more appealing, and your day brighter!

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